
One Step Per Day

📖A first look into my new book “One Step Per Day: Meditations to begin again, whenever you need”.
We’ll host a launch celebration gathering in Amsterdam on June 4th and the book will be on sale right after that. If you want to learn more about the gathering, comment here or send me a DM.

This book in itself is proof of how far we can go with small, doable steps.
It’s proof that we can create amazing things when we have (self)compassion, when we don’t rush things and when we surround ourselves with great company.

I’m grateful to everyone who has helped or supported this project so far, specially @marcosilustrador for gifting us with these remarkable illustrations throughout the book and in the cover.

We’ve worked whole-heartedly into bringing an amazing reading experience for you, whatever it is you’re going through right now.

Carol Milters 💛

🇧🇷 Meu novo livro, “Um Passo Por Dia: Meditações para (Re)Começar, sempre que for preciso”, já está quase pronto na versão em inglês. Faremos um encontro de celebração do livro dia 4 de junho em Amsterdam, e o lançamento do livro em português acontecerá um pouquinho depois, em agosto. Morrendo de orgulho de como a gente pode SIM chegar longe dando um passinho por dia e praticando muita autocompaixão 🙃💛

Picture of Carol Milters

Carol Milters

Writer, facilitator and investigator of burnout, workaholism and the culture of mental health at work.

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Further reading

One Step Per Day

📖A first look into my new book “One Step Per Day: Meditations to begin again, whenever you need”.We’ll host a launch celebration gathering in Amsterdam

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An Ode to Hope

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